"Survivors: A Conversation About Consent"
I’ll have some artwork in the art exhibit "Survivors: A Conversation About Consent"
April 1–29, 2023 Marketview Arts, Lower Level Gallery
Visit the event page here to learn more: https://bit.ly/3YUpa4z
This exhibit is presented during Sexual Assault Awareness Month—in partnership with YWCA York, Marketview Arts, and YCP's Title IX Office—to raise awareness of the impact of sexual assault on survivors.
Join artist and survivor Erica Gaimari and YWCA York on April 1 at 5:30 p.m. to kick off Sexual Assault Awareness Month with an exhibit of artwork created by survivors to raise awareness of the impact of sexual assault. Light refreshments will be provided.
Honored to participate in this and so excited to meet the other artists at the opening Saturday, April 1
@marketviewarts @ywcayork